Quiet again

All the holiday company, including dogs, have left. The house is quiet once again, and perhaps my dear cat Nicholas can regain his equilibrium. He enjoys human visitors, but he wasn't too sure about those dogs.

I look forward to this time of year and to getting the whole family together for the only time during the year, but, as my daughter said today, it is very tiring having to be so nice all the time, and it's a great relief to get back to our normal grouchy, grinchy selves.

It is hard for me to be too grouchy though since I made out like a bandit with Santa. From yard sculptures and books to my piece de resistance, my new Kindle, Santa was very good to me. I must have been a better girl than I thought I was, or maybe Santa was easily duped.

Now, with my Kindle and with all the other paper books I have on my reading shelf, it may get even quieter around here for the rest of winter. Who needs television, radio, DVDs, or CDs when you've got books to read?

So, come on, winter weather, do your worst. I've got all the entertainment I need to keep me occupied.


  1. You'll have to give us a review of your new Kindle when you get a chance. And tell us what your first e-book will be :)

  2. My first purchase of a book was "U is for Undertow," the latest Kinsey Millhone mystery. Today I added several free books - Charles Darwin's "Origin of Species," and most of Jane Austen's oeuvre that I didn't have on paper. I have to restrain myself. I could go wild with this thing!


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