Broken promises already
For days now, the Republicans have been trumpeting their intention of reading the Constitution aloud on their first day in charge of the new Congress. They have also been on all the news outlets talking about their "New Rule" that any bill considered by the House must have a statement about its Constitutional authority. They tout this as something entirely different. It isn't. The old rules of the House already required a statement about the section of the Constitution which covered each bill it considered.
But these are the people who revere the Constitution so much that they consider it Holy Writ, handed down by God directly to the Founders, unchanged and unchangeable. (Just ask Antonin Scalia. But that's another rant.) So, of course, they - and we - were really, really excited about the prospect of actually hearing this sacred text read aloud in the People's House. We waited with bated breath.
We're still waiting. They didn't read the Constitution in the House today. They read selected portions of the Constitution. And the new House Republicans were so excited about the event that this is how they looked during the reading:

This is the Republican side of the aisle. Where is everybody? Well, John Boehner, for one, couldn't possibly be bothered with listening to a reading of even part of the Constitution. No, he had to hold a press conference.
So one day in office and already they are breaking their promises. I wonder if the tea partiers will notice? More importantly, I wonder if the news media will notice? I would guess that it is highly unlikely. I tell you, it's enough to make a grown man weep.
But these are the people who revere the Constitution so much that they consider it Holy Writ, handed down by God directly to the Founders, unchanged and unchangeable. (Just ask Antonin Scalia. But that's another rant.) So, of course, they - and we - were really, really excited about the prospect of actually hearing this sacred text read aloud in the People's House. We waited with bated breath.
We're still waiting. They didn't read the Constitution in the House today. They read selected portions of the Constitution. And the new House Republicans were so excited about the event that this is how they looked during the reading:

This is the Republican side of the aisle. Where is everybody? Well, John Boehner, for one, couldn't possibly be bothered with listening to a reading of even part of the Constitution. No, he had to hold a press conference.
So one day in office and already they are breaking their promises. I wonder if the tea partiers will notice? More importantly, I wonder if the news media will notice? I would guess that it is highly unlikely. I tell you, it's enough to make a grown man weep.

All those present are probably new!