From "must-win" to "can't win"

After weeks of seemingly taking for granted that he would win in Michigan, Mitt Romney is now playing down the state, trying to lower expectations. I guess he's been reading the polls which have shown Rick Santorum leading him by a substantial margin.

Actually, in polls released today, there seems to be a swing back toward Romney, but Santorum still leads. Significantly, though Romney likes to claim Michigan as one of his "home states," the people there don't buy it. Two-thirds of those who participated in the poll did not consider him a Michigander.

In fact, Republican voters across the country don't seem to be buying much of what Romney is selling these days. Even if he manages to eke out a win in Michigan now, voters really, really don't seem to like him and are not ready to get behind him in a big way. But do they like Santorum any better? Well, women don't, and for good reason since he seems intent on denying them basic rights to health care. Not that Romney, or any of the other Republicans for that matter, are any better on women's issues.

At this point, it seems to me that Romney just can't win in Michigan. The only way he could be considered a winner would be if he racked up a huge margin over Santorum. But that seems more and more unlikely.


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