Backyard Nature Wednesday: Migrating Monarchs

I have noted here at various times throughout this year that Monarch butterflies have been very scarce in my garden for this entire period. Unlike previous years when they were often plentiful, they've been a rare sight indeed in 2014.

I was particularly delighted, then, earlier this week to find THREE of the beauties visiting my backyard at the same time.

Their presence might have something to do with this plant, Eupatorim wrightii, the white mistflower. It is a favorite with butterflies of all kinds and it is in full bloom right now. The Monarchs seemed to particularly like it.
These two were in shadow so it's a bit hard to see them, but they were hanging onto those white fuzzy blossoms.

A nearby marigold also came in for its share of visits.
Three is absolutely the high water mark for number of Monarchs in the garden at one time for this year, so this was definitely a banner day. As the migration continues, I'll be interested to see if that number can be topped, but, in the meantime, I'm just happy I was there to experience these very special visitors.


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