This week in birds - #143

A roundup of the week's news of birds and the environment : Image courtesy of American Bird Conservancy . The ethereally beautiful Cerulean Warbler is the American Bird Conservancy's Bird of the Week this week. Although brightly colored, the bird is difficult to spot because it frequents the high canopy of the forest where it can often only be detected by the sound of its buzzy song. This warbler's population has declined by about 70% over the last forty years, making it one of the most seriously threatened of North America's migrant songbirds. It breeds in the eastern and central parts of North America and winters in the forests of the Andes. *~*~*~* In a recent study published in Global Change Biology , scientists revealed their findings from a long-term analysis of the movements of 38 common species of North American birds, including Northern Cardinals , Tufted Titmice , Carolina Wrens , Blue Jays , Chipping Sparrows , Eastern Bluebirds , and Yellow-rumped...