Amazing animals: Black Swans feeding koi

This is so incredible that I just have to share it - Black Swans feeding koi in a pond at a resort in Taiwan. How did this get started, I wonder? Were the swans feeding their cygnets and the koi took advantage and then when the little swans grew up the parents continued to feed the koi? I have no idea. Maybe some human trainer actually trained them to do this. Regardless of how it happened, I find it perfectly amazing!


  1. That is incredible. They make it look such a natural thing to do.

    1. You are so right. It looks utterly natural. I would really be interested to know how it came about.

  2. Animals never cease to amaze me. This is a lovely video. :-)

    1. The thing about animals of all kinds really is that they have so much more intelligence, so much more sentience than we, in our arrogance, give them credit for.


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