Get your election results right here!

So, the election in the U.K. is over and the votes are counted. Let's hear all the results as reported and analyzed by Monty Python. Actually, this could apply to just about any election. 

(Hat tip to my Anglophile, Pythonphile daughter, Sarah.)


  1. Ah yes, it was just like that! And long.. Wish I hadn't stayed up quite so late now :(

    1. Well, there's something mesmerizing about those election returns. It's hard not to stick with them.

  2. My husband is a political junkie so I had to show this to him. Makes me want to go back to the days of the Univac predicting the results.

    1. It would certainly be a lot "cleaner" prediction than having to listen to the so-called pundits pontificating.


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