Happy Star Wars Day!

May the Fourth be with you! Always.


  1. YeeHaw!

    I ordered some bearded iris ... probably a big mistake, but I thought I'd give them one more go. I think I found a reasonably dry spot! I really caught the iris bug when my Louisiana iris bloomed! Wish me luck!

    1. Good luck! I look forward to hearing of your success. I would love to try them again, too. Maybe if you succeed, it will give me the courage to do it!

  2. I shared the "May the Fourth" pun with my walking friend, who is an expert punner. To my delight, she had never heard of it and she got it right away. (I had to read it a couple of times the first time I ever saw it - I am not quick witted when it comes to puns.)

    1. I love that "May the Fourth" is now an unofficial Star Wars holiday - only right for a franchise that has had such an impact on our culture, don't you think?


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