Goodbye to July

Images of July. Sunflower with bee. Sunflower without bee. Giant Swallowtail caterpillar on lemon tree. Black Swallowtail caterpillar on dill. A friendly spider. And spider lilies. A gerbera. Another gerbera. And yet another gerbera. Gulf Fritillary butterfly. Giant Swallowtail butterfly. Male Monarch butterfly - you can tell by the two black dots on his hind wings. Sulphur butterfly on anisacanthus. A green anole displaying his throat pouch to assert his territorial rights and maybe entice a mate. A little green treefrog - just chillin'. A southern leopard frog, chillin' in his own way. And, of course, Bertie, the new addition to our household. It's been an eventful month. I wonder what August will bring.