The garden at the end of November

Can it really be the end of November? Where did the month go? For that matter, where has the year gone? Tomorrow we head into December. Our average first frost date is December 10, so it is likely that many of the blooms in the garden today are on borrowed time. Already, we have had a few chilly nights, once dropping down to 35 degrees F., but the garden positively loves this weather. The fact that we've had a very wet couple of weeks has made the plants even happier. As we get ready to welcome December, here are some of the blooms - and other things - that are still bringing color to the late fall garden. I love violas and I tend to tuck them into every bare spot around the garden in late fall. I like them in all colors. Purple trailing lantana is at its best in the late fall and the butterflies are grateful. The Cape honeysuckle is in full bloom, but I haven't seen any hummingbirds sipping from it lately. Yellow cestrum blooms persist right u...