Backyard Nature Wednesday: Pine Siskins

They're here! Or rather, I should say, it's here, because so far I've only seen one in my yard. But surely where there is one Pine Siskin, there must be others. I happily await their onslaught.


  1. That is a beautiful bird. No wonder you are excited!

    1. They don't get this far south every winter. This is the first time I've had any in my yard since 2013, so it is always exciting when they do show up.

  2. I haven't seen any here yet. Keeping a look out for them though. Great photos!

    1. I've still only seen that one, but surely others will show up soon.

  3. Replies
    1. They are tiny birds and very active. Also very combative at the feeders. They're always arguing with their neighbors. May not be pleasant for the neighbors but it is fun to watch.


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