Poetry Sunday: Summer
We are just about at the high point of summer, the mid-point, the "dog days." Soon we'll be on the downhill side of this - for us - most uncomfortable of seasons, headed toward benevolent autumn. It can't come too soon for me. Although this poem by Amy Lowell is entitled Summer , it is really an appreciation of Nature at all seasons. She catches my feeling about summer very well in this passage: To me alone it is a time of pause, A void and silent space between two worlds, When inspiration lags, and feeling sleeps, Gathering strength for efforts yet to come. Well, my inspiration has certainly lagged. But I keep telling myself that I am gathering my strength for efforts yet to come. In autumn. Summer by Amy Lowell (1874-1925) Some men there are who find in nature all Their inspiration, hers the sympathy Which spurs them on to any great endeavor, To them the fields and woods are closest friends, And they hold dear communion with the hills; The voice of wa...