Poetry Sunday: August Moonlight

In a few days, we'll be able to enjoy August's full moon. Meantime, the Perseid meteor shower continues, even though its peak came on August 11, so our nights will be lit by heavenly magic of one kind or another.

Richard Le Gallienne was an English poet of the last century who had a appreciation for the August moon, an appreciation which he expressed in this poem.

August Moonlight

by Richard Le Gallienne

THE solemn light behind the barns, 

The rising moon, the cricket's call, 
The August night, and you and I— 
What is the meaning of it all! 

Has it a meaning, after all? 
Or is it one of Nature's lies, 
That net of beauty that she casts 
Over Life's unsuspecting eyes? 

That web of beauty that she weaves 
For one strange purpose of her own,— 
For this the painted butterfly, 
For this the rose—for this alone! 

Strange repetition of the rose, 
And strange reiterated call 
Of bird and insect, man and maid,— 
Is that the meaning of it all? 

If it means nothing after all! 
And nothing lives except to die— 
It is enough—that solemn light 
Behind the barns, and you and I. 

The full moon in August is called the Sturgeon Moon or the Green Corn Moon according to Native American tradition. It will rise this month on Thursday, August 18.


  1. I love it!
    "...What is the meaning of it all!"

  2. Full moon on my birthday! What does that mean? I read an astrology post this morning that said it means I will finally get what I was meant for in life. Ha Ha. We'll see. I'll take the moon and be satisfied.

    1. I would take the moon anytime! I'd say it is the universe's gift to you to wish you a very happy birthday. I mean, what else could it be?

      Enjoy every moment of your special day.


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