Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day - February 2018

Shhh! My garden is still sleeping.

The shrubs have been pruned back.

Winter clean-up is underway.

There's a bit of green to go with the brown in spots.

Undaunted by our colder than usual winter, the little leucojum blooms right on schedule.

These sweet little blossoms do give the gardener hope.

When they are the only thing blooming in the garden, they are precious indeed.

But everything else is sleeping still.



Hold on! Spring is just around the corner.

It's nice to be able to visit Carol of May Dreams Gardens and find that some gardeners do have actual blooms this February. Happy Bloom Day to you all, whether or not you have any blooms.


  1. Wow, amazing that after this harsh winter something is still in bloom! ;-) I was beginning to wonder about your garden.

  2. Beautiful!
    It is unseasonably warm today which will trick our pear trees into budding too early.
    Happy Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day!

    1. It's warm here today, too, and the forecast is for much the same for the next ten days, so it looks like spring really is just around the corner.

  3. I think this is the first time I have seen an overview of your garden, so I can see the layout of your beds. Love it! I'm hoping I can get out in the garden this weekend and get some cleanup done. My island beds have been completely overtaken by Bermuda grass!!

    1. This is a section of the backyard - not much to look at there at the moment, but thank you. Here's hoping for a fair weather weekend!

  4. I would say "this New Yorker would take your harsh winter any day". But I was in Orlando the day they dropped to 28 degrees (with a wind chill warning of 21!) and it was heartbreaking to see frost damage in a place which isn't prepared for it. So I will just enjoy your green grass and thank you for helping me dream of spring.

    1. "Harsh" is certainly a relative term and I would not swap my 10 days of below freezing temperatures and two snowfalls with what you experience in upstate New York. On the other hand, you probably would not want to swap summers with me. But everywhere we'll look forward to spring.

  5. So interesting to see the long views of your garden Dorothy. It looks amazing! I'd love to take a peek at those same views in Spring!

    1. Maybe I'll provide some of those "long views" in a couple of months.

  6. It was so great to see a comprehensive view of part of your yard!! We are having a February of leaping contrasts in weather though hardly any rain-:(
    But spring is definitely coming in. More green every day and a few blooms.

    1. Perhaps I'll do more wide angle photography in the future - when there's a little more color and things to see.

  7. I love you sweet little leucojum all in flower. Your garden looks lovely, even when its resting. Happy almost spring! (Well...wishful thinking anyway!)

    1. Spring seems to have arrived here this week, Lee. Knock wood!

  8. Nice shapes in the garden. Lejocum is so welcome :)

    1. Yes, the leucojum is always welcome. It gives us hope that spring is on its way.


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