In the garden

As our self-isolation continues, I seek and find daily solace in my garden. There is always something happening there. In the front garden, the Dietes, popularly called "butterfly iris" around here, are beginning to bloom next to the old birdbath. Can you see a resemblance between the bloom and a butterfly? The camellia is nearing the end of its bloom cycle but still has a few blossoms. This Encore azalea is named 'Autumn Lily' but could just as rightly be called 'Spring Lily.' Hibiscus and dianthus blooming together. In the backyard, the muscadine grape vines are beginning to green up. And the loquat tree is loaded with fruit. Know any good recipes using loquats? Our warm weather recently has brought out the frogs. They serenade us with their nightly chorus. This one is a southern leopard frog. And this is a little green tree frog trying to make itself invisible against a crinum leaf. My husband recently weede...