Poetry Sunday: Away above a Harborful... by Lawrence Ferlinghetti
Lawrence Ferlinghetti, beat poet, playwright, publisher, and free speech activist died last week at the age of 101. As a publisher, perhaps his crowning achievement was to publish Allen Ginsberg's Howl and Other Poems in 1956. He also helped other beat writers such as Jack Kerouac and William S. Burroughs to reach readers. Ferlinghetti's most famous collection of poems was A Coney Island of the Mind which was published in 1958. Here is one of his poems from an earlier collection, These Are My Rivers , published in 1955. I thought it was a good example of the jazzy rhythms and earthy imagery of so many of his poems. I hope you enjoy it. Away above a Harborful . . . by Lawrence Ferlinghetti Away above a harborful of caul...