Once There Were Wolves by Charlotte McConaghy: A review

Once there were wolves in Scotland but no more. The official record shows that the last one was killed in 1680, although there are some reports that a few remained up until the 19th century. In her new novel though, Charlotte McConaghy imagines a project of reintroducing wolves in Scotland and the kinds of reactions and problems that might result. Heading up the fictional Cairngorms Wolf Project is Inti Flynn who describes herself as a "bad-tempered Australian who finds it hard to hide contempt and sucks at public speaking." Maybe not the ideal personality for a project dependent upon establishing good public relations. Inti had previously worked with wolves in Alaska where she had assembled her team of wolf biologists who will help her with Cairngorms. The biologists travel to Scotland along with the fourteen Alaskan gray wolves they have trapped to be released in Scotland. Wolves are apex predators and as such the biologists hope their release will help to control the de...