Poetry Sunday: The Song of the Mischievous Dog by Dylan Thomas

There are many quite well-known poems by Dylan Thomas. This is not one of them. But it made me smile when I happened upon it last week. Perhaps it may do the same for you. 

The Song of the Mischievous Dog

by Dylan Thomas

There are many who say that a dog has its day,
And a cat has a number of lives;
There are others who think that a lobster is pink,
And that bees never work in their hives.

There are fewer, of course, who insist that a horse
Has a horn and two humps on its head,
And a fellow who jests that a mare can build nests
Is as rare as a donkey that's red.

Yet in spite of all this, I have moments of bliss,
For I cherish a passion for bones,
And though doubtful of biscuit, I'm willing to risk it,
And I love to chase rabbits and stones.

But my greatest delight is to take a good bite
At a calf that is plump and delicious;
And if I indulge in a bite at a bulge,
Let's hope you won't think me too vicious.


  1. It's very whimsical and utterly delightful. It has the cadence that I remember from childhood when first experiencing poetry. This makes my day!

    1. Thomas did have a bit of whimsy in him. Like most poets I suspect.

  2. Replies
    1. I'm glad. We need all the reasons to smile that we can find.

  3. Who knew he wrote such humorous poems? I'm glad you shared this one. :D

    1. It's not what he's known for, of course, so I was especially delighted to discover it last week.

  4. A completely fresh and charming poem! Dylan Thomas apparently wrote and published this poem when he was eleven.


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