Poetry Sunday: On December 21 by Amos Russel Wells

I hear rumors that in some parts of the northern hemisphere, they actually have winter, but here in the humid South, not so much. At least not so far. Our daytime high temperatures have not dipped below the 60 degrees Fahrenheit mark yet. 

Our actual winter with its coldest temperatures usually comes in January and that will probably be true in this winter as well. Perhaps then we may see days with just a touch of the wintry conditions as described by Amos Russel Wells in his poem. But every such day just brings us closer to spring.

On December 21

by Amos Russel Wells 

Now let the weather do its worst,
With frost and sleet and blowing,
Rage like a beldam wild and curst,
And have its fill of snowing.
Now let the ice in savage vise
Grip meadow, brook, and branches,
Down from the north pour winter forth
In roaring avalanches.

I turn my collar to the blast
And greet the storm with laughter:
Your day, old Winter! use it fast,
For Spring is coming after.
The world may wear a frigid air,
But ah! its heart is burning;
Soon, soon will May dance down this way:
The year is at the turning.

There's not a sabre-charge of cold
But brings the blossoms nearer;
By every frost-flower we shall hold
The violets the dearer.
So rage and blow the drifting snow
And have your fill of sorrow:
The turning years bring smiles for tears;
We'll greet the spring to-morrow!


  1. So far, the worst of winter hasn't hit the Northeast U.S. where I live, but yes, just wait till January. In the typical year, we can't wait for spring.

  2. We got snow on Saturday, but it's sunny today. It's still a bit cold outside though. but that's winter in Utah. Hope you have a very Merry Christmas!

  3. Sadly, no snow here in Minnesota. Tons of rain, though. RAIN. IN DECEMBER. It's almost like climate change is actually a thing...

  4. I do like how the poet is laughing at Winter. Quite a bit colder yesterday here!


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