Poetry Sunday: July by Susan Hartley Swett

Yes, it is still July but not for long. Enjoy it while you may. 


by Susan Hartley Swett

When the scarlet cardinal tells
   Her dream to the dragon fly,
And the lazy breeze makes a nest in the trees,
   And murmurs a lullaby,
                It is July.

When the tangled cobweb pulls
The cornflower's cap awry,
And the lilies tall lean over the wall
To bow to the butterfly,
It is July.

When the heat like a mist veil floats,
And poppies flame in the rye,
And the silver note in the streamlet's throat
Has softened almost to a sigh,
It is July.

When the hours are so still that time
Forgets them, and lets them lie
'Neath petals pink till the night stars wink
At the sunset in the sky,
It is July.

When each finger-post by the way
Says that Slumbertown is nigh;
When the grass is tall, and the roses fall,
And nobody wonders why,
It is July.


  1. I will not be entirely sad to bid farewell to July - but then we have to deal with August. I am simply longing for cool weather. I think I am going to roll around in the first frost!

    1. If we are lucky we may get frost around Thanksgiving. It will be most welcome.

  2. Despite the heat of July, I am not totally looking forward to August. Why? Everything pumpkin hits the store shelf, Halloween candy appears, and mums appear in the farm stands. I am reminded summer will be over too soon. Our summer birds will wave goodbye with one wing as they migrate , and the days will continue to shorten. So eventually will end the season of sitting outside. The cold winds will howl and the snow will swirl around the bare leaves. But while July is here I will treasure every minute.

    1. July and August are generally the most unpleasant months here in the South, but if we can endure, September and October are two of our more pleasant months.

    2. I agree, Dorothy---as long as the Gulf stays hurricane-free.

  3. Beautiful poem! And I can't believe July is almost gone. Where did it go?

  4. Such a beautifully evocative poem, capturing the essence of July perfectly! The imagery of lazy breezes, vibrant poppies, and tranquil moments truly brings the month to life. Thank you for sharing this lovely piece. I just posted a new blog post you can read it on www.melodyjacob.com.

    1. Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to comment.


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