The Chippies are back!

I looked out my office window on this bright cloudless autumn day and what did I see at my front yard bird feeder?

Chipping Sparrows!

Several were on the feeder and on the ground under the feeder.

Chipping Sparrows are among my favorite winter visitors and are a clear indication that winter is indeed coming.

One of the first species of birds that I learned to identify was back to help usher in the change of seasons, having fled the cold and snow of the north that make survival tougher for small birds like sparrows. 

Winter may not be very wintry here close to the Gulf Coast but as long as the Chippies keep coming back each year I'll know that such a season - the Chipping Sparrow season - does indeed exist!


  1. Oh, I love Chipping Sparrows! How fun to have them at your feeder. I've only seen them once in awhile out hiking.

  2. I don't think I ever have seen chipping sparrows. I love the little sparrows that visit our yard, and our dark eyed juncos have been back for the winter for perhaps a month now.

  3. Congratulations, Dorothy. They are among the most adorable of all the sparrows. Wouldn’t it be a case of amazing serendipity if the birds that spent the summer in my yard came to you in the winter. What greater connection could there be?

  4. Hmm. We have a ton of sparrows here but I wonder about the chipping sparrow ... they say they're abundant in Canada so I will have to be more observant to look for the brown plume or cap on the head. Enjoy your chippies.


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